Home Care

241119 Challenger Aged Care Advice Opportunities

LP Financial Planning: Proudly Leading the Way in Aged Care Advice

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you! One of our founding directors, Brad Monk, was invited to participate in a national webinar hosted by Challenger Limited, a leading company in retirement and aged care income solutions. The webinar, titled “1st July 2025 Aged Care Advice Opportunities,” was a significant event with over…

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241112 Is A Retirement Village Right For You

Is a retirement village right for you?

The retirement living sector is growing rapidly in Australia as the population ages and demand increases for a spot in a retirement village. For many people, the idea of having someone on site to help with property and garden maintenance is enough for them to make what can be a major change later in life….

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240918 A Sandwich Generation

Caught in the middle: help for the sandwich generation

If you are feeling a bit like the meat in the sandwich you are not alone. The ‘sandwich generation’ is a growing social phenomenon that impacts people from all walks of life, describing those at a stage of their lives where they are caring for their offspring as well as their elderly parents. The phenomenon…

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in-home care options

Living independently: A look at in-home care options

Are you, or is someone you know, in need of aged care services but not quite ready to move into residential care? With a range of government programs and technological solutions available, many retirees are now able to get the support they need in the comfort of their own home.  The decision to move into…

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In home care technology - LifePath financial planning 2

Everything you wanted to know about in-home care

From voice-enabled health tools to wellbeing apps, technology advances are making in-home care an increasingly attractive option for retirees as they weigh up staying at home or moving into retirement or nursing facilities. LifePath Financial Planning’s Senior Financial Adviser, Brad Monk, says simple innovations such as the elderly using an iPad to communicate with family…

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Ready for residential aged care - LifePath financial planning

Are your parents not quite ready for residential aged care? Maybe home care is the answer.

Until a year ago, Joan was an active, independent woman enjoying her senior years. She loved to tend her garden, bake for her family and neighbours, watch football and read. Her daughter visited once a week with the grandchildren, but essentially Joan was happy to spend time on her own in her comfortable surroundings and…

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The wait for home care

The wait for home care

Many people defer the decision to apply for subsidised care services until circumstances reach a critical point. This can increase stress levels and put you or your family member at risk because the wait to access care can be long – especially for home care.  Approval for a home care package from an ACAT/ACAS team…

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Managing Home care fees

Managing Home Care fees

As we get older we may need help with our daily living activities. But remember that asking for help does not mean you will have to move out of your home. The government now subsidises more home care packages that might allow you to reduce the burden on your spouse and family but continue to…

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Selecting a home care provider

A five-step plan to select your home care provider

Everyone’s needs and circumstances are different in old age which is why there’s a range of home care services available. The challenge is selecting the right provider to meet your needs. Once you have been assessed and your Home Care Package (HCP) allocated, it is time to evaluate and select a suitable home care provider….

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Home care packages can help you to stay in own home longer

Home care may help to stay at home

Home care may help you to stay in your home longer and take pressure off your family and friends. The opportunities to stay in the home are growing with more government focus and funding directed towards increasing the number of available packages. A new approach for allocating and managing the government subsidised Home Care Packages…

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What does a home care package cost?

Home care packages come with a budget allocation that can be spent on the care plan you develop with your home care provider. This budget needs to cover: Administration and case management fees Service provider fees Travel time for workers. The budget value depends on your approved level of Home Care Package. Most of this…

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Home care the value of advice

Home care – the value of advice

By Rachel Lane, Aged Care Gurus The number of people accessing Home Care Packages is set to grow significantly. For anyone receiving, or hoping to receive, a Home Care Package it is important to understand the funding available through these packages and the costs associated with them. Let’s start with the funding. There are four…

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