Surviving the silly season
Ah, Christmas! – the time of year when your bank account shrinks, your social calendar explodes, and your family dynamics resemble a poorly scripted soap opera. As we navigate this festive minefield of shopping, social gatherings, and feasting, it’s common to feel a little frazzled. In fact, research has found that the holiday season is…
Is a retirement village right for you?
The retirement living sector is growing rapidly in Australia as the population ages and demand increases for a spot in a retirement village. For many people, the idea of having someone on site to help with property and garden maintenance is enough for them to make what can be a major change later in life….
Caught in the middle: help for the sandwich generation
If you are feeling a bit like the meat in the sandwich you are not alone. The ‘sandwich generation’ is a growing social phenomenon that impacts people from all walks of life, describing those at a stage of their lives where they are caring for their offspring as well as their elderly parents. The phenomenon…
How to give back
Australia is a giving country, but we often give in kind rather than financially. Whenever there is a disaster here or overseas, Australians rush to donate their time, household goods and cash. However, we still lag New Zealand, the US, Canada and the United Kingdom when it comes to giving money. According to Philanthropy Australia,…
The gift of giving this Christmas
Christmas is a time when we come together to celebrate with our family and friends. And, for those who haven’t been able to see friends and family due to border closures, it will be an even more joyous occasion this year. Gift-giving is typically a big part of celebrating Christmas and provides a great opportunity…
Maintaining your mental health through the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted our day-to-day lives in a dramatic way. One of the biggest changes to come from this period for many people was a transition to working from home. On top of this adjustment, parents had the additional challenge of monitoring remote schooling for their children. Social interactions were severely reduced and…
How COVID-19 changes tax time
As this financial year draws to a close, it will be viewed as a year like no other. COVID-19 (coronavirus) has impacted everybody’s life, albeit in different ways for different people. For some, staying at home has meant greater savings. For others, the virus has meant lower wages or even the prospect of unemployment for…
Our retirement system: Great, but room for improvement
You could be forgiven for thinking Australia’s superannuation system is a mess. Depending who you talk to, fees are too high, super funds lack transparency and governments of all political persuasions should stop tinkering. Yet according to the latest global assessment, Australia’s overall retirement system is not just super, it’s top class. According to the…
The festive season brings together families and important decisions
As we approach the end of another year, many people will be looking forward to the festive season and the chance to slow down and catch up with family, particularly older parents. Busy lives and distant homes can make it easy to feel out of touch. But this may be a time when adult children…